Professional Services
Research Report
The State of Professional Services: 2023
Driving Healthy Professional Services Growth in a Transforming Technology Industry
Bo Di Muccio
Bo Di Muccio
Distinguished VP, Professional Services Research
January 18, 2023

Can growth be a bad thing? This must seem like an awfully odd question, especially during a time of global economic turmoil and downturn. At times like these, technology companies should be, and likely are, looking for any and all ways to add to the top line. Based on trend data from the TSIA Professional Services Core Benchmark, professional services organizations (PSO) are filling the bill. Among the many notable trends taking place in technology professional services right now, strong professional services (PS) revenue growth may well be the most notable of them all. But when you unpack that growth, it becomes clear that not all of the indications are encouraging. Some aspects of PS growth offer very hopeful signs for both the overall industry and for PS specifically. But in other senses, the growth we’re seeing isn’t healthy at all. This “State of Professional Services: 2023” paper will cover the following core topics: - What is the larger technology industry and economic context of recent PS trends? - What are the key performance trends we’re seeing as we look back on 2022 and out to 2023? - What is driving the PS growth trend we’re seeing in the data? - What are some strategies and frameworks to help you focus more on good PS growth?
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