Research Report
The State of Technology Business Models: 2024
Four What-Ifs That Could Redefine Technology Business Models
Thomas Lah
Thomas Lah
Executive Director and Executive VP
February 12, 2024

This paper describes the current environment facing technology companies as we enter 2024 and then outlines four “what-ifs” that could have a dramatic impact on technology business models: 1. What if SaaS business models never become as profitable as traditional software business models? 2. What if investors continue to gravitate their dollars to companies that have leading AI capabilities? 3. What if a technology company does not effectively deploy AI capabilities to improve operational efficiency? 4. What if AI-native companies evolve a better operating model than traditional technology companies? The target audience for this paper includes executive teams navigating the impact of AI on their business models and any technology professional assessing their career and their company.
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