CRO Council
Outcome Selling vs. Value Selling vs. Solution Selling: What’s the Difference?
Steve Frost
Steve Frost
Former TSIA VP & Managing Director, Revenue Research and Advisory
May 4, 2022
45 min

Sales and revenue leaders are often telling TSIA that they need to move away from leading with features and functionality when they sell XaaS offers. To do that, they often try to move to “Outcome Selling”. Unfortunately, their approach is often really based on an alternate (and less effective) approach based on value or solution selling. In this 45-minute webinar, Steve Frost, TSIA’s Managing Director of Revenue Research will go into a detailed explanation of these common sales approaches and why Outcome Selling is the far superior way, though it will require the help of others. Topics include: - What is Outcome Selling? - Outcome Selling vs. Solution Selling - Outcome Selling vs. Value Selling - How to get started with Outcome Selling - Why Sales can’t do it by themselves
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