Customer Success
The Four Phases to LAER Efficiency Framework
Optimizing the Customer Engagement Model
Thomas Lah
Thomas Lah
Executive Director and Executive VP
October 2, 2023

TSIA’s Land, Adopt, Expand, Renew (LAER) Customer Engagement framework has become the industry standard for technology and services companies to acquire new customers and to drive consumption and adoption of the offerings, which should lead to frictionless expansion and renewal. By anchoring on the LAER model, technology companies have a roadmap to optimize revenues and drive desired outcomes throughout the customer life cycle. In this paper, TSIA describes a framework that outlines four distinct phases that companies experience on their journey to becoming LAER efficient. With five markers (KPIs, practices, compensation, organizational structure activities, and selling cultures), we can identify at least four distinct phases that companies experience as they transition from a traditional technology customer engagement model that is very transaction-oriented to a customer engagement model that is LAER efficient.
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