Customer Success
Monetizing Customer Success: A Research Journey
Stephen Fulkerson
Stephen Fulkerson
VP, Customer Success Research
September 12, 2023
45 min

Too often, customer success organizations are tasked to build a monetized offering without understanding the “why” and the “value” that they are trying to bring to their customers. To some organizations, monetizing customer success means creating offers and value. To others, it means increasing operational efficiencies. And to many others, it means creating revenue and survival to pivot from cost center to profit center. This year, TSIA has conducted three distinct research studies to dive deep into the contextual understanding of customer success executives to understand how they think about and strategically approach monetizing customer success, how they first approach it from a strategy perspective, and perhaps most importantly, where customer success executives can make investments to drive additional value toward revenue growth, retention improvements, and customer satisfaction. Join us as we continue on our latest Research Journey, Monetizing Customer Success, where we will share our research findings to help you better understand how to align your organization toward operational success in this challenging economy. We’ll tackle such crucial questions as: - Will monetizing customer success continue to be a leading trend throughout the tech industry? - What’s the most effective go-to-market strategy for monetized customer service offers? - How do monetized customer success offers correlate to expansion, retention, and overall customer satisfaction? We look forward to seeing you there!
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