CRO Council
Quick Poll Insight
The Emerging Role of AI in Sales and Revenue Growth
Insights from TSIA's 2023 AI and Revenue Growth and Retention Quick Poll
Hannah Yoon
Hannah Yoon
Data Journalist, Industry Insights
February 1, 2024

The 2023 AI and Revenue Growth and Retention poll was conducted to explore the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) adoption among companies, particularly focusing on its impact on sales and revenue generation. Results indicate a predominantly nascent stage of AI utilization, with companies primarily in the exploration and testing phases rather than fully embracing comprehensive AI strategies. Despite this, a minority of respondents have demonstrated success or boast relatively mature AI capabilities, hinting at the potential for significant advancements in revenue generation through AI initiatives. This report sheds light on the current state of AI adoption and outlines key priorities for companies aiming to leverage AI for revenue growth and retention.
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