AI’s High Stakes: The Future of Technology Business Models
Thomas Lah
Thomas Lah
Executive Director and Executive VP
October 13, 2023

In this paper, TSIA explores the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the technology industry’s business models. Specifically, it focuses on the emerging concept of the AI-native company, characterized by AI integration into core business practices and data-driven decision-making. Despite AI’s potential to enhance efficiency, the majority of tech companies lack a mature AI strategy. To help understand the potential impact of AI on business operations, TSIA introduces a framework called “The Three Dimensions of AI”: - Data-driven decision making - Efficiency and cost reduction - Enhanced customer experience Also discussed is AI’s influence on competitive analysis, scalability, risk management, compliance, and regulations. TSIA places a specific emphasis on how AI will fundamentally disrupt technology and services business models and calls for a deeper understanding of how AI can modify internal operations. To help accelerate an AI-driven transformation, TSIA Research has initiated a new Research Journey to explore AI deployment management, business impact, and best practices. The result: The TSIA community will understand the high stakes facing their leaders and the imperative for adapting to the AI revolution.
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